Gardening Jobs in Greenwich, Connecticut
The #1 way to hire a professional gardener
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2 Greenwich Gardener Jobs Found
Kristen P
Greenwich, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Looking for Gardener to Help 1X a Week
Help! We are looking for a gardener one day a week to maintain landscaping around our home. We dont need mowing services, but do need some...
Help! We are looking for a gardener one day a week to maintain landscaping around our home. We dont need mowing services, but do need someone who is handy with pruning shears and who loves to weed, as we need help restoring the natural beauty to our home!
John M
Greenwich, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Looking for full time gardener to take care of our beautiful gardens and lawns. 5 Days a week - full seasons.
Owners hiring full time gardener - lawn care, plants, shrubs and trees. Fall and Spring pruning and cleanup. Mature graden and planter bed...
Owners hiring full time gardener - lawn care, plants, shrubs and trees. Fall and Spring pruning and cleanup. Mature graden and planter beds of perennials - trim perennials for winter - deadhead and weed throughout spring, summer and fall
lawn care, plants, shrubs and trees. Fall and Spring pruning and cleanup. Mature graden and planter beds of perennials - trim perennials...
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