Gardening Jobs in Holladay, Utah
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2 Holladay Gardener Jobs Found
Brian D
Holladay, Utah
Active over a week ago
Holladay, UT - Experienced Gardener Needed
Hi, I'm Brian, and I'm looking for an experienced gardener in Holladay, Utah. The job entails caring for and maintaining plants/trees, pruni...
Hi, I'm Brian, and I'm looking for an experienced gardener in Holladay, Utah. The job entails caring for and maintaining plants/trees, pruning, and controlling weeds. My wife, Carly, and I have a home on a 1/2 acre lot and recently acquired another acre next door to combine with our existing property.
I have had a “mow, blow and go” crew maintaining the yard for 7 years and I...
Deanna C
Holladay, Utah
Active over a week ago
Holladay, UT: Gardener Needed - $15/hr - No Experience Necessary!
Hi everyone! I'm Deanna and I'm looking for an experienced gardener for my property in Holladay, Utah. I'm hoping to find a professional wit...
Hi everyone! I'm Deanna and I'm looking for an experienced gardener for my property in Holladay, Utah. I'm hoping to find a professional with solid experience in planting, pruning, and weed control.
I'm looking for someone who is as passionate about gardening as I am and who is knowledgeable about the best way to care for and maintain plants. Attention to detail and enthusiasm...
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