Gardening Jobs in East Lansing, Michigan
The #1 way to hire a professional gardener
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2 East Lansing Gardener Jobs Found
Murray W
East Lansing, Michigan
Active over a week ago
I am looking at making my garden better
putting in a new lawn and other things to be discussed with the gardener, both in the front and the back of the house
putting in a new lawn and other things to be discussed with the gardener, both in the front and the back of the house
Betsy M
East Lansing, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Gardening lover is out for the season
I broke my wrist and will have surgery and rehab for 6 weeks. then I will have shoulder surgery and be immobilized for another 6 weeks then...
I broke my wrist and will have surgery and rehab for 6 weeks. then I will have shoulder surgery and be immobilized for another 6 weeks then begin PT. UGH. I scheduled someone in April to do spring yard/garden clean-up who did not follow through. Now I still need that plus a lot of weeding and cutting back and planting some seeds and annuals.
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